Recession Resistant Real Estate Radio

How will Trump's presidency affect the rental market? with Neal Bawa

Brandon Cobb
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00:00 | 42:10

“We’ve effectively marooned 18 million middle-class families.” ~Neal Bawa~

Being resilient in the multifamily space 

has been a challenge in the last year. 

Despite the markets of 2024, 

Neal Bawa has overcome and excelled! 

By remaining consistent with offers, 

underwriting, market analysis, building deals, and land acquisition 

he and his team are taking advantage 

of the rental opportunities every single day! 

 Don’t miss Neal’s conversation with Brandon

packed with data driven information for the multifamily investor! 

Learn about the massive transition in the U.S. away from home ownership to rentals!

In today's episode...

Learn More About:
-How Trump’s presidency will impact the U.S. rental market
-Data showing supply and demand in the current market 
-The power of strategic land acquisition    
    And MUCH MORE!

Contact Neal Bawa - grocapitus and Mission 10K
Google-Neal Bawa - He’s the only one!
Neal Bawa MultifamilyU - webinar
Location Magic Udemy - free online course

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